Cork and the Potential in Design
Cork and the Potential in Design
This workshop will focus on designing and making with cork, and its potentials both for use in design as well as clues it may offer for new methods of using plant-based materials. Students will work directly with Catalan and Portuguese cork in different forms to develop new design forms and applications. Students will unlock the secrets of a wood-based material that protects the life of trees, rather than cutting them down. Emphasis will be on experimenting and hands-on making with a goal of developing applications that could be scaled for improving the sustainability of current models of production and manufacturing.
Aquest taller es basa en dissenyar i "fer" amb el suro, per explorar el seu potencial tant de l'ús del material en si com mètodes que aquests ens pot donar per treballar amb altres materials naturals. Els participants treballaran directament amb suro català i portuguès en diferents estats per desenvolupar noves formes i noves aplicacions. Els participants exploraran els secrets d'aquest material provinent de la fusta, però que a diferència de la fusta aquests no requereix tallar l'arbre. S'emfatitzarà en l'experimentació amb les mans amb l'objectiu de desenvolupar aplicacions que es puguin escar per millorar la producció i fabricació dels models actuals.
All levels welcome / it helps some previous carpentry experience
What will you do
Students will complete a small piece of furniture or collection of home accessories in completing the workshop.
What will you learn
Students will learn three experimental techniques to help them understand the potential of cork.
First, we will learn to create molds and cast granulated cork and other tree-based biomass into 3D forms.
Second, we will learn ways to find both flexibility and structure in assembling cork.
Third, we will learn to turn round forms in cork on the wood lathe, including bowls and vases.
Students will learn the three techniques listed above (molding/casting, turning, assembly) of a unique material, including how far it can be pushed until it fails.
Daniel Michalik, Designer, Professor of Industrial Design, Parsons School of Design (New York City)
English (Catalan / Spanish translation available by Cris Noguer)
3 days / 10:00 - 18:00
13 - 15 July 2023
Precio Early Bird hasta 25.06.2023
221€ (+ IVA)
Precio regular
300€ (+ IVA)
Precio miembro TMDC
231€ (+ IVA)
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